A Simple blog that will give you hope, inspiration, peace, and comfort when days are long, and life has hit you hard. A place to go to be energized and renewed---to be lifted up when you feel like you can no longer go on---a place to cry and be loved when it feels like no one cares. A place to remind you of God's Love, Grace and Mercy.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Coffee Break~~~Book Review

Wow! Where do I begin with this book?
The Introduction page caught my attention. It's a book that I wish I had Before I got married, Before I had kids, Before I bought my house...Before I did anything!!! Don't get me wrong, the decisions I made about My Marriage, My kids, and My house were great choices and I made those choices wisely at that time, but still, It is a MUST read Book for everyone.

The point of the book, to me, is learning how to make choices that we won't regret later.
Before we are able to make any decisions based on anything in life, we must first understand 3 elements of ourselves. We must REFLECT who we are as a person, RESEARCH our life goals, and list the important aspects of our life. So, I made myself a couple of notes to dig deep and know who I am. (List of positive qualities) List what is important in my life, and the goals I want to accomplish. I have to admit, none of the above came easy!

I will leave you with a paragraph from the book regarding marriage. He was talking to his daughter and future son-n-law at the time ---- Bishop Jakes ask them this one question:
"What do you see when you look at each other?"

I thought about that question myself.
When I look at my husband, what do I see?
When he looks at me what does he see?

Then Bishop Jakes answered: (This is what we should see)

"I hope you see not only a face of your sweetie pie but the face that you'll wake up next to for the rest of your life. The face that you will watch alongside your own. This will be the face you run to when life seems cold and pains are unbearable. This is the face of your partner of choice. The one you choose like a warrior chooses a weapon or an artist her medium. He is, she is, your weapon of choice when you fight layoffs, mounting bills, pressure, and unimaginable challenge. It's the face that will be beside you if and when labor pains race through your body and you birth children together. And it may be the face you look to when you have to bury one or the other of you prematurely. It is the face that you will watch convulse with the aches and pains of disease and injury. It's the face that will comfort you and the hand you will squeeze when your mother and I pass from this earth and are lowered into the ground."
-Passage from the book: Before You Do
Have you thought of your significant other that way? When we are upset with our partner for the goofy, idiotic things they do, we should remind ourselves that we chose them. Our partner. Our weapon of choice.

Get the book.

Read it.

I promise it will give you insight on things that you THOUGHT you already knew.

**My next book review will be: Become a Better You. 7 Keys to improving Yout Life Every Day. By Joel Osteen**

Another Favorite Pastor of mine.

1 comment:

Cristine said...

Hey Regina - I'm loving the flower in your template! It's beautiful.

I also like what Jakes had to say about the face of your partner... it is so true. And yet no one thinks of that when they are in their very early 20's and getting ready to get married... I know I didn't. Oh, how simply naive!

But, today I thank God everyday that He was watching over me when I choose my husband... Trust me, I was so messed up back then that I very easily could have and should have ended up with a real loser.

Ahhh, but God works all things for good...

I'm so glad you are blogging, Girl... keep on posting!

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Simply Grace by Regina Clemons is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at www.reginasinspiration.blogspot.com.